Fill Your Tag, Fill Your Freezer! Deer Season is Here.

Deer hunters wait all year long for the magical weeks when big bucks are on the move during daylight and making mistakes that leave them killable. Follow these tips to take advantage of this special time and notch your tag on Mr. November.

Hit the Travel Corridors

In the early part of the rut, set up along travel corridors where bucks are cruising in search of does, when many still aren’t in estrous yet. Downwind from a scrape between bedding and food will be a prime spot.

Make Some Noise

When the peak rut hits, break out the rattle bag and grunt tube. Don’t be afraid to cold call in hopes of drawing in a fired up buck nearby. Being vocal this time of year is one of the best days to make something happen out of nowhere.

Stay All Day

As the rut breaks open and you’re seeing plenty of action, don’t be afraid to opt for all-day sits. While first and last light are typically the best times to be in the woods, even the wariest bucks can be on foot midday during the rut. 

Take the Road Not Taken

Hunting pressure typically picks up in November, especially when gun seasons start. Be prepared to travel farther to get away from other hunters and the heavy pressure.